Hope everyone got to experience the Eclipse today, at least in some way or another. I was able to snap a few grainy shots with my cell phone (some models were ok to do this with, some were not and are most likely fried)
One other interesting feature you may have noticed when the Eclipse began is how dark it got along the front range of Colorado. Obviously this was due to the moon moving in front of the sun, but there was also another interesting side effect...
At the beginning of the Eclipse after we began to see the first dimming of sunlight we had a temperature at 80.1 degrees.
By the time we had reached just past our peak darkness we had cooled down significantly
As we began to recover sunlight after the Eclipse the area began to warm back up again.
I'm sure there will be tons of photos and videos up throughout the day and hopefully everyone got to go out and enjoy the evening during the day we saw. For us, we enjoyed the little bit of weather change it brought as we tend to nerd out about such things!
Have a happy Monday!