Storm Reports
From NWS, COCORAHS and MountainWave Weather Observers
Storm forecast summary for the January 11-12, 2019 storm will be updated Saturday evening/night. Stay tuned!
NWS Interpolated snowfall ranges from January 11-12, 2019 Storm
Storm Total Snowfall Map and Storm Summary - January 21, 2018 Storm
This interactive map shows the latest data from the National Weather Service and CoCoRaHS. To see additional data of each point, hover over the point or click on the point for an information window. Scrolling and zooming can be done with the mouse wheel or on-map control buttons.
Snowfall measurements made by trained observers, observers or CoCoRaHS volunteers follow strict guidelines to prevent outlying measurements caused by drifting and account for surface irregularities.
Official Measurement for Castle Rock Colorado From This Storm:
6.5 Inches of Snow Accumulation
See Our Forecast Articles Leading Up To This Storm
- April Spring Storm – We Want Your Snow Totals! (Snowfall forecast 6-12 inches)
- Spring Storm Marks Palmer Divide/Foothills with Bullseye (Snowfall forecast 6-12 inches)
- Winter Storm Watch Issued for Palmer Divide Region (Snowfall forecast 4-8 inches)
Forecast Review and Analysis
- Snow accumulation forecast for Castle Rock area was finalized at 6-12 inches
- Based on the reported amounts in and around the Castle Rock area, we would call the snowfall forecast verified
- Main impacts were slick Fri. evening commute and icy and slushy road conditions through the day Saturday
- Based on the timing of snowfall, travel impacts and slick conditions, we would call the snowfall forecast verified
- Hard freeze conditions were forecast for Saturday night/Sunday morning and Sunday night/ Monday morning
- As hard freeze conditions are occurring as of Saturday night, we would call the snowfall forecast verified
- Will wait to see how Sunday night plays out for freezing temperatures
Overall Forecast Grade for This Storm: Excellent