The project is broken into 5 phases of initial development. More will follow as more features get added and become available but our goal for 2016 is just to get the core working.
- Phase 1 (Weather Data Logging) *95% Complete*
- Capture weather station data and format it for use
- Parse weather data information for storage
- Store weather data in MySQL database
- Store weather in CSV file format (future feature planned)
- Phase 2 (GPS tracking addition) *95% Complete*
- Capture GPS data with weather data
- Format GPS data for use
- Add GPS data to weather data in MySQL database
- Phase 3 (UI and Usability) *50% Complete*
- Allow application settings to be set instead of hard coded
- Allow settings to be saved in a configuration file
- UI cleanup and design finishes
- Phase 4 (Bug fixing and testing) *10% Complete*
- Fixing and cleanup of any additional data issues
- Data checking and verification systems implementation
- Phase 5 (Field Testing) *25% Complete*
- **This phase may run concurrently with other phases**
- Mount a weather station and gps receiver on a vehicle and chase or mock chase to collect data
- Verify data collected correctly
- Find and record any bugs or issues with application
- Phase 7 Planned (Data Trending and Graphs in Application) FUTURE
- Users will be able to see charts and graphs with weather trends collected from their weather station
- This is a future planned feature
- Phase 6 Planned (Mapping and data point additions in Application) FUTURE
- Users will be able to view and map data collected in the application
- This is a future planned feature
No Initial Release Date Yet Planned