Your logo appears on bottom right of WeatherBell products along with occasional mentions of your business in posts and articles on the site and social media.
Availablity: Unavailable/Full
Numerical Weather Models, Ensemble Models, Meteograms and Teleconnections Data through WeatherBell
Weatherbell Analytics is a platform that compiles numerical forecast models and information used in our short term, medium term and long term forecasting on the site. This service allows us to build the most timely, accurate and detailed forecasts presented on our site and social media platforms.
Pricing and Term
$700 total price for 12 months - Available for 1 business or 2 businesses split the total cost

Your logo appears on top right of our custom built snowfall forecasts and snowfall recaps along with occasional mentions of your business in posts and articles on the site and social media.
Fall 2023 Available: Unavailable/Full
Spring 2024 Available: Unavailable/Full
Fall 2024 Available: Unavailable/Full
2. Moore Lumber & Hardware - Castle Rock, CO
Personal Snowfall Forecasts from Mountainwave weather
Our snowfall forecast products are derived from model blend data, numerical data and our own forecasting methods. We typically display snowfall forecasts before a storm where impacts or snow totals will be notable or significant. Forecasts focus on the Palmer Divide but additional forecast graphics and discussion are created for Northwestern Colorado, Northeastern Colorado, Southwestern and Southeastern Colorado.
Pricing, Term, Availability
Available in 3 month chunks for:
Meteorological Fall (Sept. 1 - Nov. 30): $150 total
Meteorological Winter (Dec. 1 - Feb. 28): $300 total
Meteorological Spring (Mar. 1 - May 31): $250 total
Includes all all 4 forecast locations (NW CO, SW CO, SE CO , Palmer Divide/Denver Metro/NE CO) for the 2022-2023 snow season!
Custom snowfall forecasts are some of my highest viewed forecast products!

Your logo appears on the right sidebar of our website on every page that has a sidebar along with occasional mentions of your business in posts and articles on the site and social media.
Available: 3 Spots
MountainWaveWeather.com Website Server
The big tamale! The server that hosts all of the traffic that views our forecast, weather discussions, weather API products has had significant upgrades to handle the traffic in the past year. Big traffic means a big machine to keep running. Businesses that sponsor our website will have their logo proudly on display on each page of our site on the right sidebar. Clicking on that logo will take viewers right to any page on your site (a custom landing page would work best here... hint, hint, wink wink - says the digital marketer)
Pricing, Term, Availability
Available in 6 month chunks for:
$600 total
Available in 12 month chunks for:
$960 total

Your logo appears on top right of our custom built severe weather products, graphics and forecasts along with occasional mentions of your business in posts and articles on the site and social media.
Spring Available: **Closed For Season**
Summer Available: **Closed For Season**
Severe Weather Forecasts from Mountainwave weather
Our severe weather forecast products are derived from model blend data, numerical data and our own forecasting methods. Most notably these can include SPC Outlooks for Hail, Tornadoes, Wind and Flooding along with Fire Weather Forecasts. We typically display these before a storm where impacts or damage will be notable or significant. Forecasts focus on the Palmer Divide but additional forecast graphics and discussion are created for Northwestern Colorado, Northeastern Colorado, Southwestern and Southeastern Colorado. (Most severe weather occurs in the Eastern half of the state so that's the focus)
Pricing, Term, Availability
Available in 3 month chunks for:
Meteorological Spring (Mar. 1 - May 31): $100 total
Meteorological Summer (Jun. 1 - Aug. 31): $200 total
Includes all all 4 forecast locations (NW CO, SW CO, SE CO , Palmer Divide/Denver Metro/NE CO) for the 2023 convective severe weather season! Also includes the Summer Monsoon season!
Severe weather graphics, discussions and forecasts are some of my highest viewed forecast products!
Intersted in becoming a Platinum Sponsor in general or for one of the forecast products above? E-mail me for details!

Your logo and a short description of your business along with a link to your website will show as a Gold Sponsor on our Sponsors page. Additionally, occasional mentions of your business in posts and articles on the site and social media will be completed each month as a sponsor. Gold Sponsors will get the highest visibility on our forecast discussions and social media platforms.
Gold Sponsors typically get three regular mentions per month plus multiple additional mentions if a weather event occurs that related to the business or service they provide.
Ready to get started?

$65 Month
Your logo and a short description of your business along with a link to your website will show as a Silver Sponsor on our Sponsors page. Additionally, occasional mentions of your business in posts and articles on the site and social media will be completed each month as a sponsor. Silver Sponsors will get decent visibility on our forecast discussions and social media platforms.
Silver Sponsors typically get two regular mentions per month plus an additional mention if a weather event occurs that related to the business or service they provide.
Ready to get started?

$35 Month
Your logo and a short description of your business along with a link to your website will show as a Bronze Sponsor on our Sponsors page. Additionally, occasional mentions of your business in posts and articles on the site and social media will be completed each month as a sponsor.
Bronze Sponsors typically get one regular mention per month plus an additional mention if a weather event occurs that related to the business or service they provide.
Ready to get started?
What Are Mentions?
This includes a post of a graphic, short description or any other ad creative. Typically posted along with forecast updates, mentions of significant weather or weather review events on the website and Social Media Channels (primarly Facebook - more in the future as we expand to other platforms.)
An additional mention for a weather event could be: extra post of your logo, contact information or a creative ad graphic right after a hail storm if you are a roofing company.
Additionally, all sponsors will be added to our sponsorship page with a link to their website/social media and any other contanct information you wish to have.